Bulletin India, Ranchi.
Jharkhand Director General of Police (DGP) Anurag Gupta has ordered strict disciplinary action against station in-charges and police officers who do not register FIRs in police stations or ignore complaints. The DGP has issued this order on the basis of complaints received from various districts, which state that many policemen are misbehaving with the general public and are not taking their complaints seriously.
DGP Gupta said that many police station in-charges and policemen misbehave with the public and do not even give proper receipts for their complaints, due to which the victim keeps wandering to get justice. Taking this type of negligence seriously, he has directed the concerned officials to take immediate action.
Special instructions regarding cyber and women crimes
The DGP especially called for paying attention to complaints related to cyber crime, ST/SC, human trafficking and crimes against women. He clarified that despite separate police stations being set up for these crimes, FIRs for such cases should be registered in other police stations as well. Any kind of laxity will not be tolerated and if found guilty, the concerned police station in-charge will be immediately removed.
Instructions for police station incharges
The DGP clarified under BNSS-173 that FIRs and Zero FIRs should be registered irrespective of the area of crime. He has directed all the District Superintendents of Police (SPs) and Deputy Inspectors General of Police (DIGs) to ensure in their respective areas that complaints of the general public are given priority.
Behavior of police personnel towards public
DGP Gupta reminded the policemen that they are servants of the society and the public, not their masters. He expected all police officers to perform their duties in the same spirit and give priority to good behavior with the general public.
SPs and DIGs of all districts have been directed to visit police stations in their areas regularly and motivate the policemen there to behave properly with the public.
This order has been issued with the aim of inculcating a sense of responsibility and better conduct towards the public in the police department.